It begins with a heartbeat, a breath, a quickening. Out
of the still, silent waters of the mystic ocean of eternity,
a tiny droplet of light slowly emerges, like the full moon
reflected on the water. The doors of your perception swing
open and your senses reach out like shining beams of moonlight
to embrace the infinite rhythms and expressions of creation.
As you relax into the expansive beauty of this universal dance,
soothing waves of celestial grace surround and caress you
in a never-ending stream of warmth and tenderness. Your heart
opens as you feel the gentle touch of the Divine Mother, the
supreme light and energy of Divinity, nurturing and enlivening
the clear luminous flame of your own immortal spirit.
Once upon a time, in the sacred societies and temples of
the ancient world, women were respected and revered as the
living embodiment of their divine role model, the Great Goddess.
Their bodies were seen as sacred alchemical vessels of creation
and transformation, as radiant temples of Divinity filled
with the vital healing and transformative current of light
and energy that ceaselessly pours outward from the Primordial
Source of all life. Deeply in tune with the inner world of
spirit and the outer forces of nature, women were known as
the "Keepers of the Sacred Mysteries."
Working together side by side, day after day, constantly
sharing their insights and observations, their dreams and
visions, throughout the centuries, women developed a highly
sophisticated body of knowledge. An essential part of this
knowledge was learning to perceive and maintain the psychic-energetic-emotional
landscape of society, the subtle realm of energy, emotion,
vibration, and sensation that is recognized by healers and
mystics as penetrating all reality, linking the spiritual
planes with the material. In their crucial roles as the mothers,
caretakers, visionaries, and peacekeepers, these wise and
loving women knew that it was their fundamental task to maintain
harmony and balance within their community and the larger
world. Knowing that every thought, every action had a profound
impact upon not only their own lives and those of their men
and children, but on the very fabric of life itself, as teachers,
guides, healers, mediators, consorts, and initiators into
the sacred mysteries of birth, death, sexuality and spiritual
transformation, they transmitted the light and power that
sustained all of civilization.
Over the centuries, through trial and error, insight and
intuition, teachings and practices were developed that trained
young women to focus and enhance their innate perceptive abilities
so that they could maintain this psychic-energetic-emotional
balance. Passed along through oral tradition from mother to
daughter, grandmother to granddaughter, teacher to student,
these were symbolic teachings that transcended the use of
words and the written language. These practices taught young
women how to work with and refine the powerful energy of emotion,
attune themselves to the dimension of dreams, portents and
visions, and develop qualities such as fearlessness, commitment,
right use of power, contentment, happiness, generosity, humility,
patience, serenity, love and compassion.
As an essential part of this training, women learned how
to awaken, nurture and enhance the feminine gift of second
sense we now call womens intuition. Special techniques
were developed which enabled them to expand their senses to
perceive and interpret the signs and symbols conveyed to them
during every moment of life. These signs and symbols and their
underlying meaning were seen to arise from every aspect of
human appearance, such as facial expression, gesture, movement,
vocal tone, smell, skin color, and so forth. But the signs
also came from the expressions of the world of nature, inner
vision, and the land of dreams. Women spent much of their
time learning these subtle languages.
In the sacred temples of India, Egypt, Greece, Rome and
Sumeria, highly specialized techniques were then developed
which enabled them to open the mystic or inner eye to perceive
and interact with the fluid currents of divine light and energy
that create, envelop and connect all living things. The priestesses
who resided in these temples mastered yogic practices that
enabled them to purify their bodies and minds and transform
into the Great Goddess, the most profound role model that
shaped and preserved culture and society. Essentially, they
would become living symbols of Divinity, Goddesses in the
flesh. As the earthly personification of the Goddess, through
sacred rituals that included many levels of artistic expression
such as song, dance, rhythm, gesture, and storytelling, they
displayed her divine qualities for their students, communities,
and devotees. In this way, they not only provided a glimpse
of the celestial realms, but also an archetype for a more
enlightened approach to being human.
As modern day women, who too often find ourselves caught
up in the secular, patriarchal mindset, which has been the
signature of our society since the time of the Inquisition
and destruction of our sacred womens mysteries, for
many of us the image of the Great Goddess and her sacred sisterhood
is but a fleeting memory. Alienated from each other by the
pressures and demands of our growing consumer culture in which
success is measured by outward achievements and the amount
of material objects one acquires, we have traveled far from
the days when we sat together and attuned ourselves to the
subtle languages of spirit. With the increasing levels of
divisiveness and discord that are becoming part and parcel
of life in the modern age, as our global community becomes
ensnared by the nets of anger, hatred and war, it time for
us women to awaken and once again find our true voices. Like
the priestesses and wise women of old, let us once again open
ourselves to our true calling and take responsibility for
our individual and collective roles in creating and shaping
the psychic/energetic landscape of our world. Let us work
together to discover a means of bringing balance and harmony
to our fragile planet.
As we begin this process, let us look to the teachings of
the ancient sacred sisterhood. Let us sit together once again
as conscious, caring women and dialogue about our feelings,
dreams and visions for the future. Let us travel once again
into the feminine domain of feeling and emotion, seek out
and release our worn out patterns of thought, expression and
action and discover the essential light of spirit that resides
deep within our hearts- the potent healing current of the
Great Mother Goddess.
As a start, for guidance, we can look to the qualities,
attributes and expressions of the three main manifestations
of the Divine Feminine known throughout the sacred literature
as the triple goddess; the fiery goddesses of strength and
power; the joyful goddesses of fertility, sensuality, and
abundance; or the peaceful goddesses of love and compassion
The powerful female deitiessuch as Kali and Durga
of India, Sekhmet of Egypt, Athena of Greece, and Simhamukha
of Tibet teach us the true nature of power. In their
myths and stories, they demonstrate that real power is not
about control, repression, and domination; it is about flexibility
and clarity in the midst of chaos. It is the ability to relax
in the face of danger, so that we can perceive the situation
and take appropriate action. Possessing the fierce and fiery
forces of Mother Nature herself, these wild and fiery goddesses
are role models of right and appropriate action, who function
from a centered and integrated space of wisdom and clarity,
the images of these powerful goddesses inspire us to recognize
that true feminine power lies not in anger and destruction
but in knowledge, understanding and transformation. As we
work with their invigorating, transformative energy, the negative
passions such as anger, greed, jealousy, fear and so forth
are transmuted into the enlightened qualities of clarity,
self-confidence, divine pride, determination and fearlessness.
The veils of the dark emotions are lifted as we once again
align ourselves with the sacred current of truth.
The joyful Goddesses such as Lakshmi of India, Aphrodite
of Greece, Hathor of Egypt, Oshun of Africa, and Mandarava
of Tibet- teach us the truly sacred nature of sensuality.
. Throughout their myths and stories, we encounter a basic
awareness of and respect for the beauty and majesty of the
female body as a receptacle of and transmitter for divine
energy. In the temples dedicated to these Goddesses, the priestesses,
as teachers of the sacred sexual mysteries came to understand
both the fundamental nature of sexual energy and great potential
for spiritual awakening and realization inherent in the art
of sexual union. In preparing for their exacting role as initiators
into these mysteries, they developed intimate knowledge of
every nuance of sensuous expression, transforming the negative
emotions of lust, craving and possessiveness into enlightened
qualities of discernment, mystery, contentment and ecstatic
abandon. Through the process of aligning ourselves with their
rich nurturing energy, we can once again become impregnated
with the fertile light of spirit and experience the essential
sweetness, subtlety, receptivity, and refinement that lie
at the heart of true feminine bliss.
The peaceful Goddesses such as Isis of Egypt, Tara
of Tibet, Saraswati of India, Kuan Yin of China and Yemaya
of Africa teach us how to look inward and discover that
fundamental light of Divinity that lies deep within the hearts
of each and every one of us. In their myths and stories, they
demonstrate how to open our eyes and hearts to the perpetual
current of truth and beauty that flows through our world and
how to lift the dark veils that obscure this pure vision so
that we can fully encounter the most profound and transformative
experience that any human being can know, that of pure, selfless,
all-embracing love. Constantly looking within to encounter
and purify their every thought and action, whether sitting
together in silent contemplation or moving through the great
temples of healing, wherever they went, the atmosphere was
suffused with light and grace. For these loving and compassionate
women, were so in touch with their own divine nature that
they could transmit the essence of this grace with a look,
a gesture or a touch.
Rose, MA. Ed,
author of The Path of the Priestess, A Guidebook
for Awakening the Divine Feminine (Inner Traditions
International) and the creator of the Awakening the
Feminine video series (Sacred Mysteries Productions),
is an internationally acclaimed teacher, writer, performer
and Fulbright Senior Research Scholar in World Mythology,
Religion and Sacred Dance.
For the past twenty-five years, she has worked in the
fields of education and the esoteric arts to investigate,
integrate and impart the knowledge and wisdom of ancient
and traditional cultures throughout the world. Sharrons
work is unique in that she is both scholar and practitioner
transiting the realms of culture, the arts and spirit.
In 1983, she was initiated by her teacher Sitara Devi,
into a sacred tradition of the Tantric arts that has
been handed down from teacher to student for thousands
of years the transformative path of the temple
dancer/priestess/healer the path of the Divine
Since that time, in her studies of Tibetan Tantra and
Dzogchen with Tibetan master Chogyal Namkhai Norbu,
the art of healing and the Ancient Egyptian Mysteries
with Dr. Robert Masters, and research into Kabbalah,
Gnosticism and Alchemy with her husband, hermetic scholar
Jay Weidner, she has devoted herself to seeking out,
understanding and transmitting to students and audiences
the lost remnants of this same tradition, as it existed
in the temples and sacred societies of Tibet, Egypt
and the Middle East.