The Yoga of Light
The Path of the Priestess
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John Lash
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Alchemy of
Qi Gong Vol. 1
Pedram Shojai

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Alchemy of
Qi Gong Vol 2

Pedram Shojai
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Alchemy of
Qi Gong Vol. 3

Pedram Shojai
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Sharron Rose
Sharron Rose
Directed by
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The Alchemical
Terence McKenna

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Star Dreams
Robert Nichol
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The Odyssey
Sharron Rose

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Healing the Luminous Body
Alberto Villoldo

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Secrets of
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Sharron Rose
Art Mind
Alex Grey
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Healing Sounds
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Yoga of Light
Sharron Rose
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Sharron Rose
Nada Yoga
Shanti Shivani
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Alchemical Healing
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Quantum Astrology
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Produced by
Sharron Rose

Isis and the Tree of Life

Reflections on the Galactic Alignment, the Sacred Science of Ancient Egypt and the Kabbalistic Path of Return

By Sharron Rose, Visionary Film Producer, President, Sacredmysteries.com With hieroglyphs by John Nichols, Director, The Institute for Spiritual Archeology

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Looking at the Tree of Life one finds at its base the Sefirah Malkhut or Kingdom, the home of the Shekhina, the ultimate receptacle and full material reflection of the light and energy of the primordial source. Above her one encounters Yesod, the Moon or the realm of emotion, sexuality, the lunar force and ebb and flow of the tides. Rising above Yesod is Tiferet, the Sun, the realm of beauty, the harmonizing principle and basis of the good, the compassionate and the true. Above Tiferet is Da’at, the veiled Sefirah, the abyss, the Center of the Galaxy and seat of gnosis. High above Da’at like a crown of creation is Keter, absolute transcendence, and the supreme unity beyond duality. When the Galactic Alignment occurs on December 21, 2012 the Earth (Malkhut), the Sun (Tiferet), and the Center of the Galaxy (Da’at), indeed, the whole central pillar of the Tree of Life, will be in alignment. This portends a time of great opportunity for humanity.

According to the Kabbalistic teachings of Isaac Luria, as the luminous radiance of the Shekhina poured forth from the divine source, the Sefirot or symbolic vessels of the Tree of Life were unable to completely contain the fullness of this luminosity. Overflowing with this divine radiance, the first three Sefirot, Keter, Hokhmah and Binah remained intact but still overflowed with light. The remaining seven Sefirot were not strong enough to hold this pure light, the Sefirotic vessels were shattered and the light was broken up into sparks. These sparks fell through the metaphysical void into the “Sitra Achra”, the “Other Side”, interpenetrating the world of action and material reality into Malkhut the world of the Shekhina, of Earthly manifestation, of time and space. As moths are attracted to a flame, the sparks attracted layer upon layer of shells/ husks known as the kelipot. The kelipot obscured the light and knowledge of our primordial source. 8

This metaphor has a distinct parallel in the Indo/Tibetan concepts of the kleshas or origins of human suffering. The kleshas, emotional defilements or ‘poisons’ bind us to the endless cycles of death and rebirth. Like storm clouds swirling across the sky obscuring the radiant light of the Sun, the kleshas of ignorance/delusion, anger/aggression, attachment/desire, pride/arrogance jealousy/envy veil the innate clarity of the mind. To achieve true enlightenment one must totally cleanse the mind of these defilements, transmuting them into the enlightened qualities of spaciousness, clarity, discernment, equanimity and all accomplishing wisdom. Through this powerful transformative process the veil is lifted and one is brought face to face with ones true eternal nature.

For in actuality we are eternal beings. We are the reflection of divinity, a fractal representation and mirror of the Divine source. As seeds of the pure light and energy of the Shakti/Shekhina we are the way in which Divinity comes to know itself. We are God/Goddess in the flesh, a materialized, crystallized emanation and embodiment of our Divine progenitor, the outer projection of the divine plenty (Shekhina) into physical reality (Malkhut). We are all unique facets of the complete image of an ever-evolving interconnected universe. Shrouded by the veils of karma, the husks of the kellipot we have forgotten our divine inheritance. Yet once the door is opened to this ancient knowledge, there is the potential for a great transformation to occur.

As maintained in the teachings and practices of all the great wisdom traditions throughout the planet there comes a moment of awakening when the seeker turns her or his heart and mind away from the distractions and noise of the outer world of matter towards the inner world of spirit. Once this occurs, once one begins to recognize the beauty and grace of the larger divine reality, a longing for inner freedom, clarity, integration and re-union arises. Through the process of purification, through devotion, commitment and right action, the soul looks inward and begins to long for its home in the light.

According to the Kabbalists the most important task of every Jew is to participate in the Tikkun or ‘Restoration of the World’. In the Shevirah, the ‘shattering of the vessels’ or fall from grace, each spark of the Shekhina, each soul spark experienced the pain and suffering of separation from the magical bliss of divine union. From one perspective we could say that we fell to bring light to the darkness, enlighten the muck and mire of the prima materia. Transmute the darkness into light. We fell so that we could experience the nature of duality and material existence. We fell so that when the time came, when the final moment of reintegration and enlightenment was upon us, the reunion with the supreme source would be so sweet.

On a symbolic level, the Galactic Alignment represents an opportunity for us to reverse this process. By quieting the mind and listening to the voice of the heart, by discovering the place of silence within and entraining ones heartbeat with the galactic pulse of the Great Mother, the journey begins. In this space of quietude we can begin to seek out, perceive and burn away the layers of darkness that surround us physically, mentally and emotionally. Through the clear light of right action, truth and integrity, through the power of love and compassion, the essential spark or seed of the Shakti/Shekhina is nourished and begins to germinate and grow within us. The hardened husks of the kelipot and kleshas, the negative thoughts and emotions, the habitual patterns and karmic propensities are melted away.

From a Kabbalistic perspective, as this happens the holy waters begin to flow downward from Keter the crown Chakra through the central channel of the body into Malkhut the base Chakra and Earthly realm of the Shekhina to make contact with and ignite the Kundalini Shakti, the Goddess energy that lies within us. Through this contact with the divine radiance the Kundalini Shakti is awakened. In a wavelike serpentine rhythmic flow she rises upwards through the swirling vortexes of the chakras and Sefirot. 9

Upward through Yesod she streams, clearing away the last vestiges of our mental and emotional turmoil, the clouds of confusion that envelope us. Into the heart center Tiferet she surges, the place of grace, beauty and compassion. It is here that the KA, which is on one level the animating force and astral matrix of the physical body and on another level the self or ego with its various personalities is reunited with the BA or cosmic soul. 10 The heart takes wings as the now fully integrated being encounters Da’at, the pineal center, Center of the Galaxy and seat of the Great Mother Goddess. 11 Like the son returning to his mother’s arms, like the bride coming to the marriage bed, the long years of exile have ended and the time of union is at hand. Shakti is reunited with Shiva, the Shekhina is reunited with the Lord God as Isis takes you in her loving arms and brings you home. As your eternal spirit soars from the Earth, to the Sun to the Center of the Galaxy to the divine source your luminous energy body begins to glow with divine radiance. 12 At the culmination, the omega point of this experience, you are transmuted into a shining being of light, filled with the shimmering resplendent power of Divinity. You have now become a fully realized being able to assist all sentient beings on the path of enlightenment.

Traditional teachings throughout the world maintain that in every moment one has the opportunity to encounter and walk this eternal path of return. Yet, as the alchemists stated, there are certain times, which are the most conducive to performing the great alchemical experiment. The Galactic Alignment in 2012 and the years leading up to it hold the promise and potential of the dawn of a new Galactic/Lunar Age that supplants the toxic, dying throes of the Solar Age. This collective moment of opportunity is upon us. It is now up to us to perceive, understand and fully experience its extraordinary transformative power.

Sharron Rose Bio

Sharron Rose, MA.Ed, is a true renaissance woman. A filmmaker, choreographer/ composer, author, teacher and performer, she has spent the past thirty years working in the fields of education and the esoteric arts to uncover, reconstruct and translate the mystic and symbolic imagery revealed within the heart of the world’s great spiritual traditions into works of art that are meaningful and accessible to modern audiences.

In the realm of filmmaking, Ms. Rose is the writer/director of the documentary films, 2012 The Odyssey and Timewave 2013, producer of Sacred Mysteries forthcoming feature film, Shasta, executive producer of the documentary, Infinity: The Ultimate Trip, creator of the instructional film, Yoga of Light and producer of the films comprising the Sacred Mysteries DVD Collection. These films have brought great insight into mankind’s spiritual heritage as well as the circumstances that have led to the current global crisis. Since 1999, she has been President of the world-wide DVD distribution company, Sacred Mysteries Distribution and it’s new youtube channel, SacredMysteriesTV.

Ms. Rose is the author of the award–winning book, The Path of the Priestess: A Guidebook for Awakening the Divine Feminine (Inner Traditions) and contributing author to the book, The Mystery of 2012(Sounds True). She is currently at work on The Mirror of Hathor, a book and cd based upon her reconstruction of the music and ritual of the Goddess Temples of Ancient Egypt.

For more information:www.sacredmysteries.com, www.sharronrose.com, http://www.youtube.com/user/SacredMysteriesTV


  1. For an excellent introduction to the wisdom teachings of ancient Egypt see Isha Schwaller de Lubicz, The Opening of the Way, (Rochester, VT: Inner Traditions International, 1981)
  2. Fulcanelli, Les Mysteres des Cathedrales, (Suffolk, England: Neville Spearman, 1977) p.58
  3. For greater insight into the Shakti/Shekhina current in the Hindu, Tibetan and Kabbalistic traditions see Sharron Rose, The Path of the Priestess, (Rochester, VT: Innter Traditions International, 2002).
  4. From a conversation with Egyptian scholar and metaphysician John Nichols.
  5. Naydler, Jeremy. The Temple of the Cosmos, (Rochester, VT: Inner Traditions International, 1996. pp. 45-46.
  6. See chapter nine Fulcanelli’s Tree of Life and the Mystery of the Cathedrals from the The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye by Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges (Rochester, VT: Destiny Books, 2003) for a captivating look at the ankh in the context of the Western esoteric tradition.
    1. Steinsaltz, Adin, The Thirteen Petalled Rose, (USA: Basic Books, Inc., 1980) p.
    2. 118. This is an exquisite book on the Jewish mystical view of reality.
  7. For greater understanding of the Lurian Kabbalah see Drob, Sanford, Symbols of the Kabbalah, (Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson, Inc., 2000)
  8. Upon the crown of her head Isis wears a uraeus serpent symbol of the awakened Kundalini Shakti fully ascended to the pineal center. In this context, it is interesting to note that in ancient Egyptian, one of the names of the ureaus is ‘Iaret’ which is derived from the verb meaning “to rise.”
  9. “Once this reunion (Ka and Ba) had taken place, the deceased became an akh ­ literally, an ‘effective one’, able to live on in a new, non-physical body.” James Allen, Curator at the Metropolitan Museum, NYC.
  10. In many of the paintings and sculpture of ancient Egypt, the hieroglyph most associated with Isis is the throne, which is placed upon her head. This signifies that she is the seat and resting place for the divine. From a Kabbalistic perspective, the Divine Throne or Holy Chariot is the vehicle through which the divine effulgence or Shekhina descends to the earth. It is also the vehicle in which the seeker ascends to the ultimate reunion. In the words of Adin Steinsaltz, “For someone to comprehend the secret of the Chariot means that he is standing at the very focal point of the intersection of different worlds. At this intersection he is given knowledge of all existence and transformation, past, present, and future, and is aware of the Divine as prime cause and mover of all the forces acting from every direction.” p. 19, The Thirteen Petalled Rose.
  11. These teachings on the fully realized being have their parallel in the ‘Rainbow Body’ teachings of the Dzogchen tradition of Tibet and the Inkan teachings on the emergence in 2012 of a new species which they describe as ‘Homo Luminous’.

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